Center for Hope & Safety featured on NJ101.5

Teen dating violence — experts urge you to recognize the signs If your child were experiencing abuse from their dating partner, do you think you’d have the eyes and ears to pick up on it? Victim advocates in New Jersey claim most people would be surprised to...

Center for Hope & Safety Featured on NJ 101.5

NJ Expert: How to Spot Domestic Abuse During the Holidays Even a small holiday gathering in the face of a pandemic can serve as a big enough window for folks to recognize signs of domestic violence among family and friends who may have been suffering silently for...

Center for Hope & Safety Featured on

His daughter was murdered by her husband. Now, this NJ dad works to aid abuse victims Pete and Jackie Miragliotta never expected they would have to raise their grandchildren. Nor did they envision becoming experts on the signs of domestic abuse. They were forced to do...